Earths Mightiest Heroes/Nick Fury

Revision as of 15:49, 17 January 2015 by Morik trask (talk | contribs)

Nick Fury (Nicholas Joseph Fury)
Solo    YL D8.png
Buddy    YL D6.png
Team    YL D10.png

Director or S.H.I.E.L.D.
Grizzled War Vet
Will Do Whatever It Takes

YL D4.png or YL D8.png
+1 PP
Power Sets
Enhanced Reflexes
YL D8.png
Enhanced Stamina
YL D8.png
Old Soldiers.... Spend 1 PP to Recover Physical Stress and move the die to the Doom Pool.
Seen It All Before. Spend 1 PP to ignore Stress, Trauma, and Complications caused by aging, shock, surprise, or fear.
Man in Charge. Step Up Emotional Stress taken from loss or betrayal to gain 1 PP.
Enhanced Durability
YL D8.png
YL D8.png
Life Model Decoy. When Stressed Out in a Scene, spend 1 PP to reveal that it was a Life Model Decoy. Fury can no longer act in the Scene, but takes no Trauma.
All Part of the Plan. Step up a Covert Master Stunt or Resource and Recover Mental or Emotional Stress.
Superspy Gear. Create a SHIELD-Tech Resource or Stunt based on any SHIELD HAS THE BEST TOYS die*** See example below.
Gear. Shutdown any SHIELD HAS THE BEST TOYS power to gain 1 PP. Take an Action vs. the Doom Pool or participate in a Transition Scene to Recover Power.
Combat Master
YL D10.png
Covert Master
YL D10.png
Menace Expert
YL D8.png
Psych Expert
YL D8.png
Vehicle Expert
YL D8.png
[You may convert Expert D8 to 2D6, or Master D10 to 2D8 or 3D6]
EMH Nick Fury.png

History: Nicholas "Nick" Fury is the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. who oversaw the construction of the supervillain prisons the Cube, the Vault, the Big House, and the Raft.

Fury founded the organization S.H.I.E.L.D. to secure the world from villainous threats. Ten years ago, Fury offered Franklin Hall the chance to join S.H.I.E.L.D. to recreate the Super Soldier Serum. The project failed and the scientist gained gravikinetic powers. Fury felt responsible and had Franklin locked up in the Raft.

After a recent Hydra attack on the UN, Nick Fury arrived at the Vault to interrogate Baron Strucker. The interrogation was interrupted when the Grim Reaper infiltrated the prison in a plot to free Baron Strucker. Grim Reaper succeeded in freeing Strucker (temporarily) and gave the Baron his 'Satan's Claw' so that he could rejuvenate himself. Both Baron Strucker and Grim Reaper made it to one of the hovercars to take off. Nick Fury ended up throwing Baron Strucker back onto the landing pad where the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents easily subdued him and took him back to his cell. Fury then proceeded to defeat and capture the Grim Reaper, imprisoning him as well.

Personality: Nick Fury is more a man of action. He wants the heroes to join and work for S.H.I.E.L.D., but since they refused, he let them go their own way. He is also an admirer of Captain America, whom his father, Jack Fury, told him about.

He is sometimes a little bit arrogant as leader of S.H.I.E.L.D.. He always means business and takes every threat seriously.

Abilities & Resources: Nick is completely ageless due to the infinity-formula treatment and is at peak-human conditioning, thus possessing remarkable human strength, speed, stamina, agility, reflexes and metabolic rate.

He is one of the top-trained military operatives in the world and has experience to match. Not much can take Nick Fury by surprise.

SHIELD Takes The World As It Is...
1 XP:
3 XP:
more stuff.
10 XP:
even more stuff.

      • Superspy Gear example from Episode 1: Fury's Gliding Suit Stunt could be based on his Enhanced Durability d8 since it's all part of the uniform. Additionally, the bomb he stuck to Grim Reaper's weapon could have been Stunted off of Fury's Weapon die.

I really wrestled with the idea of Fury's Infinity Formula. The Official EMH Wiki says he has it and it really explains how he survived Strucker's attack in episode 1, so I went ahead and gave it to him.