Earths Mightiest Heroes/Maria Hill

Revision as of 17:04, 17 January 2015 by Morik trask (talk | contribs)

Maria Hill
Solo    BL D6.png
Buddy    BL D8.png
Team    BL D4.png

Fury's 2nd
Vigilantes are Anarchists

BL D4.png or BL D8.png
+1 PP
Power Sets
Body Armor
BL D8.png
BL D6.png
BL D8.png
Focus. Replace two dice of the same size with one Stepped-Up die.
Gear. Shutdown SHIELD-TECH to add a d6 to the Doom Pool or Step Up the lowest Doom die. Spend a d6 from the Doom Pool to Recover.
Combat Expert
BL D8.png
Covert Expert
BL D8.png
Tech Expert
BL D8.png
Vehicle Expert
BL D8.png
[You may convert Expert D8 to 2D6, or Master D10 to 2D8 or 3D6]

History: Maria's early life is largely unknown but it is sure that she joined the military before being recruited to S.H.I.E.L.D. by Director Nick Fury, where she serves as his trusted lieutenant.

Personality: Her attitude about heroes has shown to be rather negative at best. She has a strong dislike of Iron Man as shown when she tried to arrest him aboard the S.H.I.E.L.D helicarrier even after he saved the United Nations from being attacked by HYDRA. After Fury's disappearance and Hill became acting director of S.H.I.E.LD she seemed more focused on forcing the Avengers to join S.H.I.ELD rather then the fact that A.I.M. and HYDRA were currently attacking New York fighting over the Cosmic Cube. She's even willing to ask the President of the United States to create the Super-Human Registration Act so that all heroes will join S.H.I.E.L.D. whether they liked it or not.

Abilities & Resources: She has no powers but has extensive military training in handling weapons and in martial arts. She's able to hold her own in battle.

1 XP:
3 XP:
more stuff.
10 XP:
even more stuff.