Malcolm Reynolds
This is an example sheet to show off a full character of Firefly. It will be replaced with stats and text that are not drawn from the book soon.
Serenity D8: Mal has a close connection to his ship, a Series 3 Firefly class mid-bulk transport, and won’t allow just anybody to fly or fix her.
Keep Flyin’: When negotiating a job for your Crew, spend 1 Plot Point to step back a social Complication.
Peace in the Black: When you offer wisdom or philosophize with a Crewmember on Serenity as part of a recovery Action, step up or double Treat.
Liberty Hammer D6: This is Mal’s Moses Brothers Self-Defense Engine Frontier Model B handgun, the standard issue officer’s sidearm during the Unification War. He’s since modified it to suit his needs.
Pointed Emphasis: When you threaten someone with your sidearm or conduct negotiations at gunpoint, spend 1 Plot Point to double Influence for the Action.