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   |About=A description of the character.
   |About=A description of the character.
{{Cortex-Relationship|Stephano and Rodrigo are best friends; they would do anything for each other.|Rodrigo}}
{{Cortex-Relationship|Each relationship entry is included like a sentence in a paragraph. Put the name or names of the related people after the entry as in talents. example: Cynthia is a good friend to Captain Generic.|Cynthia}}
{{Cortex-Relationship|Despite Dag's lack of confidence, Stephano sees his potential and knows he can count on Dag in a pinch.|Dag}}
{{Cortex-Relationship|Captain Generic wouldn't know what to do without Dave and Jason. Please note that if you indent the entries with spaces in the template, it will cause a formatting issue.  You can indent them for clarity using Alt-09 (using the keypad), but indenting them is not necessary.|Dave|Jason}}
{{Cortex-Relationship|Once romantically involved with Miri, Stephano sometimes thinks his feelings for her are conflicted which can lead him to be a bit overprotective of her; however he knows they're best off as friends.|Miri}}
{{Cortex-Relationship|Gythe is a mystery to Stephano--like everyone else, he's protective of her; he isn't quite sure what to make of the mute, child-like girl, however.|Gythe}}
{{Cortex-Relationship|Brother Gaspard is a fellow Dragon Brigade veteran but his deep ties to both Church and Crown make him twice the annoyance.|Brother Gaspard}}