Sunnydale Sample CharacterWerewolf * Guitarist * Taciturn Values AdaptabilityStatement BalanceStatement DutyStatement LoveStatement PowerWhat good is power when it can't be controlled? SacrificeStatement Relationships Something something something Buffy Willow related statement here Tara is not safe if I wolf out Xander is reliable, sorta. Resources The Bronze (Music, Friends) Sunnydale High Library (Research, Restraint) Assets Big Hearted ▼Earn a Plot Point when you Choose to buy somebody's sob story. Hacker ▼Add a D6 to the Trouble pool to Reroll a die in a Hacker roll.▼Spend a Plot Point to Reveal a fact about security holes or other explotable weaknesses in the target of your hacking. Categories: Cortex PlusDramaDrama - Sunnydale